TO PLAY: [in the pretend, chocolate-scented mud]

Dear preschool teachers (and moms),

Are you desperately craving 20 minutes? Maybe to begin to pack up your room because every planning period (and morning, and afternoon) from now until the last day of school is devoted to a staff meeting full of overly logistical information that could just be emailed out? I feel you. And this sensory table will change your life. The idea is from this amazing blog, and I used the opportunity to pilot my first run of homemade gluten-free play doh. I made two batches: the first using this recipe (and just substituting 3/4 cup of cornmeal and 3/4 cup of rice flour for the flour) and the second using this recipe (which I tripled, and added a cup each of rice flour and cornmeal and then a half cup of cocoa powder). I liked the way the first recipe came out better. I added coffee beans I bought at Target and these trucks from Toys R Us.

We haven’t even added the blocks yet, so I’m hoping I have enough engagement with those to pack up another center tomorrow :)

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